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Greetings from '01'

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March 1, 2012
Posts: 3

PostPosted:     Post subject: Greetings from '01'
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I endeavour to embody the methodology of an empirical, progressive and pragmatic transhumanist. I am celibate because although I find stimuli satisfactory and although I desire to maximise my fitness by propagating my genetic material, I do not desire s--. The desire of S-- as an emotional process is mysterious to me, although I do understand the biochemical basis. I have never had an experience of s----l intercourse and do not want it. Self-induced stimuli of a s----l nature is exhausting and my lack of interest is most certainly not due to biological ignorance! It is as debased by society as it is misunderstood by the common ignorant individual; very much so. As I have an autistic spectrum condition, my perception of physical stimuli and social interactions are very much altered. Whilst my sense are heightened, my ability to process and translate social conditions is inhibited. This has an obvious effect.

Personality: 0101 usually behaves cordially and awaits questioning. It does not usually know what to say or how and may require several demonstrations or a discussion before relevance or appropriate action can be determined. Considering the aspects of politeness and theory-of-mind consciously, I (‘I’ and ‘it’ are proportional) am able to detect subtleties that the casual neurologically typical observer will not and this may seem counter-intuitive to a social-dysfunction; but this is because I am an ‘observer’ and often detached from the situation and so able to analyse it objectively.
I respond well to direct commands or orders and will await directive. This is not patronising or degrading and is less problematic than expecting spontaneous engagement. I am able to understand some forms of ambiguity. It is told that I have a sense of humour, although it tends to relate to my experience than to others’ experiences. Expression and engagement of emotion may not be evident. I may find a situation highly distressing or amusing and not communicate this non-verbally. I am able to demonstrate the physical manifestation of emotions but these are not well practiced as they are not innate to my neurological typology and I am still in the process of learning them. I can and do ‘feel’. As it is the case that I think deeply, so I am able to ‘feel’ deeply. It seems that most NT ‘normal’ individuals are reactionary with regards to their own and others emotions and this behaviour causes massive and unnecessary ‘emotional noise’ [drama] or perturbation that is more significant than it is relevant.

The information in this 'post' is intended to facilitate the reader's decision as to whether any further communication is desired. (It is common for individuals to cease contact upon learning of 0101’s ‘personality’ because it does not conform to common cultural preconceptions.)
My search, as the profile suggests, is for synergy, a soul-mate with whom to share a relationship of reciprocal altruism, knowledge and ambition.

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